
Employee Testimonial- Cathal

We caught up with our Agri Product Manager, Cathal, to hear about his progression and experience in Nugent over the years. Cathal has been with us for nearly 5 years now and has gained a wide range of experience during his time here. Read about it below.

What attracted you to Nugent?
I discovered Nugent when I was searching for Summer work around the time that I was considering going to university. I completed a foundation course at South West College in Engineering, where I heard about this local company and the roles that they offer.
I visited Nugent to find out more and joined the Apprentice programme within Trailer Assembly. From there I have gained experience in various roles such as Design Engineer and Production Engineer, and finally I progressed into this Product Manager role. I have gained great experience across different departments.

How would you describe a typical week in your role?
Everyday is different. I am out in the yard daily and I make time to be back in the office catching up on planning and following up with product parts. From talking to customers and suppliers, to working with welders and fitters, there is never a dull moment.
I help with fitting Agri products now and again, so some days it requires all hands on deck. Testing products to make sure they are up to Nugent’s high standards also keeps me busy during the week.



What do you like most about your role?
Nugent interested me as a local company, because I come from a farming background, it sounded like a good opportunity to gain experience. What stands out the most for me is getting to find out the latest and greatest product developments and techniques, and applying these to my products. I enjoy the trade shows also, taking part on the stand chatting to customers and doing a bit of market research.

What advice would you give to someone considering this career path?
The course I did at South West College was helpful in putting theory into practice. I had the best of both worlds, gaining experience within trailers and agri products.
I would say to anyone looking into this type of work to keep their options open by not choosing a specific career path too soon, as there are opportunities on your doorstep and you never know where they will lead.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I spend most of my time playing football, farming and travelling. Canada with my friends is the next destination on my list.

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