Why did you choose to study an apprenticeship and what advice would you give to someone considering this route?
When I finished school, I was not interested in going to university as you are left with lots of debt. With an apprenticeship you are able to learn and work at the same time while getting paid.
What do you like most about working here?
I enjoy working in a team, and how everyone is very friendly. I also love that the canteen has great food and great staff.
How did you find out about apprenticeship opportunities at Nugent?
I noticed the apprenticeships through the Nugent Careers social media channels and emailed them with my interest.
What made you choose Nugent?
The opportunities for progression made me chose Nugent. With Nugent it allowed me to have the option of progression throughout my degree and the possibility of full time employment when I leave education.
What do you enjoy most about the role?
I enjoy my role as you get the best of both worlds from designing the products on SolidWorks to seeing them being produced in person.